Tuesday 8 March 2011


Untitled from Rachel Seymour on Vimeo.

Here is the final evaluation of our product. It is quite long, but if you have time, please watch it and tell us what you think!

The Finished Video

Below is our final music video, all finished! Sorry about the quality, but we will try and upload a HD version at some point, especially since we went to all the effort of filming it in HD! Also, we seem to be having a few issues with copyright (WMG seem to be very quick at finding copies of 'Us' by Regina Spektor on You Tube!), so if YouTube fails to work, I will try Vimeo afterwards

So, YouTube has disabled the audio track, literally seconds after I uploaded the video, so I will try Vimeo now (but leave the YouTube link up so you can see the efforts we are going to!)

A2 Media Production from Rachel Seymour on Vimeo.

Thursday 17 February 2011

Lasts night editing

Well last night, I stayed after school for another 2 and a half hours. These hours made me realise that we still did have a lot to do to make it as interesting as our last years commentary. I managed to nearly complete question 3 as I just needed to get a few more pictures from the Internet, and it gave me the opportunity to get roughly over a third edited in question 4. Staying behind last night was the right decision because, it gave Rachel and Roisin more time to edit their questions. Also, at lunch we were meant to be doing some more editing, however, the other year 13 group was in there so, unfortunately, again, we were unable to do anything.

However, I am extremely happily with the process made and very grateful that we have an extended deadline so we have a couple more extra days. I am also extremely happy that I have been able to get my teeth stuck in to editing process of our evaluation. I feel that if we can have spend a few extra more hours on the computer, we will be able to make an evaluation that we are all pleased off.

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Webpage Finished

Here is the Webpage finally finished! (Just click on the link below)



For me, creating a webpage using Wix was a very enjoyable task, despite it taking up a lot of time. I've worked really hard trying to perfect it and ensure the synergy of all aspects of our final product are apparent within the webpage and hope I have been successful. Just as Rachel with editing and Gemma and Jade on the Digipack, I feel we have all played to our strengths well!!

Wix is a great way of creating a flash website that's user friendly, easy to use and free! Because it is flash based, for me owning a mac and when Rachel and I were working on a Windows computer, it was extremely fast whilst editing.

Today's evaluation editing plan

So today, we arranged to do many hours of editing as we really are committed to making that deadline tomorrow. We planned that in the free and lunch time, we would spent the lesson editing and stay behind after school as well to try and get as much done as possible.

Well, at break time we went in room 101 to get loaded up and we found that it was already being used by the other year 13 group. We then had to have a word with them about what we are going to do. This is because, they have had the computer for the past two days, so we all felt that we needed some good quality time on there. Therefore, we spent second period and lunchtime editing. In these two time gaps we put in order and cut all our speaking parts so now that we just need to make it more interesting by using screen shots and show evidence of what we are talking about.

We have also arranged that tomorrow, the other year 13 group will be working on their evaluation during second period and we will be working on ours during lunch time.

The deadline is coming up very quickly and we are all feeling the pressure, which can be seen by our friends. Hopefully, with the computer sharing now in plan, it is looking better that we will meet the deadline. However, Rachel and Roisin still have some speeches to film and we are going to film all four of us for the beginning and the ending. We also need to upload some of our footage again as some cant be found.

With this check list still in our mind, I am staying after school tonight to try and get the missing footage uploaded again and to start putting in our evidence. I may start our menu for our disk too, however, I am not sure on that yet. Just in case we haven't uploaded to the disk yet by the end of tomorrows school day, Jade and myself have made ourselves free to get this finished off and make it something we are proud of and worth all the stress that came with it.

Tuesday 15 February 2011

The final digipack

This is our final digipack is a view on the net. We worked very hard on this and we hope that you all like it.