Saturday 19 December 2009

THRILLER ANALYSIS - The Beach (Danny Boyle 2000) Psychological thriller

1. What is revealed to the audience?
The main character (Richard) has gone backpacking in Thailand in search of adventure and something different from America.
2. What is conventional?
- the main character is introduced,
- Mise-en-scene: set in a foreign country,
- Titles: white lettering on black background,
- Camera: there is alot of zooming, tracking and panning; a static frame is rarely used.
- Sound: high tempo non-diegetic music, almost club like in style.
3. What is unconventional?
- A voice over is used throughout the opening which gives some background information on the main character.
- Very bright colours and there is an orange tint on many of the frames which makes the action seem very surreal.
4. How has it inspired me?
The use of a voice over is very effective in building a bond between the character and the audience, although it does comprimise on the realism of the film.

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