Saturday 19 December 2009

THRILLER ANALYSIS - Fight Club (David Fincher 1999) Psychological thriller

1. What is revealed to the audience?
The main character is being held at gun point by a man named Tyler Durton, whilst an organisation called 'project mayhem' is planning/carrying out a "controlled demolition" of a number of skyscrapers. We are told that everything we have seen so far all relates to a woman called Marlar Singer.
2. What is conventional?
- Titles: white lettering on a black background,
- the main character is introduced, although we are not told his name,
- the main character is being held hostage; a typical situation in this genre,
- Sound: Very high tempo non-diegetic music using drums and guitar.
- a clear antagonist (or so we think) is established.
- Editing: straight cut editing is used through the majority of the opening.
3. What is unconventional?
- A voice over is used throughout the opening,
- The narrative time is fragmented and goes back in time. The end of the film is essentially at the beginning.
- Camera: the camera zooms around the location with varying speed, frames and angles which give the action a very surreal atmosphere.
- Titles: heavily animated and flashing.
4. How has it inspired me?
I really like the use of fragmented narrative as this enhances the tension of the viewing and the ambiguity of the narrative.

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