Sunday 5 December 2010

Just dropping in...

Hello faithful followers and fellow team bloggers, I just wanted to apologise for the lack of posts from me as of late!! Art course work and exam preparation has curtailed the amount of time I have to spend on here recently but I promise I'll be back to typing at my normal busy rate very soon.

As for our progress so far I am very very HAPPY!!
We have crafted a good, solid idea and know exactly what we want to shoot on each specific filming date (after the fiasco of last year's 'footage panic', I think this level of meticulous planning and organising is something we will swear to this time around!)
Visions of sets and costumes for each season are also coming together well. We spent a good amount of time and effort in creating mood boards (which should be uploaded soon) to identify 'looks' that would compliment both the theme and genre of the song. With a female target audience, detail in this aspect of production is paramount!!

Our ancillary tasks are also progressing well. Although still in their infancy stages of construction, I think we have a clear idea of the overall motif/theme/finish we are striving for, and knowing us, we work continuously until we achieve it.

All in all, we are exactly on schedual and heading towards success (we just hope and pray the weather works with us for once!)

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