Tuesday 8 March 2011

The Finished Video

Below is our final music video, all finished! Sorry about the quality, but we will try and upload a HD version at some point, especially since we went to all the effort of filming it in HD! Also, we seem to be having a few issues with copyright (WMG seem to be very quick at finding copies of 'Us' by Regina Spektor on You Tube!), so if YouTube fails to work, I will try Vimeo afterwards

So, YouTube has disabled the audio track, literally seconds after I uploaded the video, so I will try Vimeo now (but leave the YouTube link up so you can see the efforts we are going to!)

A2 Media Production from Rachel Seymour on Vimeo.


  1. Youtube has blocked it on copyright grounds :(
    Can they not see the title...A2 media COURSEWORK?!
    Extreeeeemely frustrating situation but there must be a way to get around it. Hopefully we will; be able to get it up and running tomorrow.

  2. I can still watch it? Is it because I uploaded it??

  3. hmmm, i can hear the music on the one you posted on the blog, but on the actual youtube site it won't play the music at all...strange, oh well, vimeo all the way! haha
