Wednesday 17 February 2010

Just another update...

Well the plan was we were meant to be filming all of today. However, at the last minute our actor got called into work. This was a big downer for us all as we planned to get it all done today and then edit in all our free time we have.
But because of the changes, we are going to talk about filming when we go back to school on Tuesday but the idea is at the moment is that we film next Sunday. When hearing the news about not being able to film today, I think I can speak for everyone when I say we were all shocked, disappointed and really nervous about when we were really going to film. However, when we think about it, in the amount of time we have, we can do it. We already have our titles done and the music done, so when we have finished filming, we just need to edit and match the music with the action.
If we film next weekend, we will have 5 days to edit and finish it completely. These 5 days include 3 media lessons, 3 frees and after school on some days. When we think about the time in which we have to finish and what we have to do, if we all work together and put 110% into it, then it is clear we will finish.

1 comment:

  1. well said Gemma! plus we can completely dedicate all the time in between shooting our commentary/making of featurette so although it may seem like really is ORGANISED chaos! :)
