Friday 19 March 2010


Well today was our last day to finish off our whole coursework so we can finally say 'WE ARE DONE!'
We have gone through a lot and had a few disagreements between the four of us but now it is all done. i believe this has been a great experience because we have learnt a lot and achieved so much in such a short amount of it. We all set out at the beginning of this progress really strong and the filming progress, but then got a large set back, but then came back from it much stronger.
At the beginning of our first take, we stated to really enjoy it but during the editing progress, after advise from our audience feedback and from our teacher, we decided that we didn't really like what we had filmed. After deciding to re film with only one week until the deadline, we decided to change a few things. For example, we changed the actor and added the title sequences into the action.
Making these few changes made all the difference to our film. After editing in all our free time, we finished our film and were ready to move on to our commentary. To start our commentary we first wrote out our scripts and divided the questions evenly between the four of us. We wonted to be as creative as possible so we used cardboard to show our conventions/unconventions and our audience popping up into the shot. We filmed all of shots first as that way we could upload it all and then just focusing on editing. Coming into yesterdays lesson, all 4 of us were very stressed. This is because we still had a lot of editing to do and some more, last minute filming to do. However, with a lot of effort and our spare time, we managed to finished. However, on some of the questions, we didn't spent as much time on them and it does look a little rushed but still looks good and professional.

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