Tuesday 2 March 2010

Our Old Film

Here is the (incomplete) first draft of False Pretences. Originally, we were going to add a short clip of the protagonist running into the house in between the kitchen and running shots. However, before we had time to do this, we decided, both as a group and from audience feedback, that the film as a whole was too amateurish and did not show off our capabilities as one of the biggest groups in the class. So, we took the radical movement to refilm, with only a week in which to edit all of the footage together. However, our group felt that this would be the best way in which to show what we could do, and that even if it all went really wrong, we would still have the first draft to work with.

In the end though, the footage that we filmed turned out very well, and has been edited into something that we are much happier with as a whole. We kept the same music as before, but quite by chance, it fits in very well with the action on screen, showcasing Ben's talents as a musician.

One of the main reasons that we chose to refilm was the audience feedback that we received, particularly from our teacher and other people whose opinion's we hold in high regard. One student said that the final match on action in our original film looked too jolty and wasn't smooth enough. After looking back over what we filmed, we all agreed, and chose to refilm the second half of the graphic match in the kitchen as well, but with different mise-en-scene to signify how the investigation has taken over the protaganist's life.

The first draft of our film was only one minute 10 seconds long, including titles and production logo, meaning that we were only really using half of the time that we could. This time, the film is much longer and therefore we have been able to include a much larger variety of shots and angles, particularly in the opening section where fades are used instead of straight cuts. Because we decided to use fades, the was no need for continuity, and we could therefore use a large variation of shots. We decided to use fades to signify the time spent on this investigation by the protagonist, as fades tend to represent a lapse in time. We also decided to add a second character into the second attempt at filming, because we thought it would add interest to the audience, and also, if the film were to continue past the opening we have to film, then the other character would be of importance.

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