Friday 8 January 2010

Psychological Thriller

For our thriller course work we have many ideas for different sub-genre's but the sub-genre we think that we will be doing is a psychological thriller. So I thought I would do some background research into it.
The simple definition for a psychological thriller is: 'a suspenseful movie emphasizing the psychology of its characters rather than the plot'. An example of a plot in a psychological thriller is: 'the characters are exposed to danger on a mental level rather than a physical one'. My source for this information is
To find out what sort of psychological films that are most popular, I went and found out what the 10 most popular films are. I got this list from a website called 'top10thrillers'. The results I found was:
1. Silence of the Lambs - 1991
2. Rear Window - 1954
3. The Manchurian Candidate - 1954
4. Taxi Driver - 1976
5. Se7en - 1995
6. Memento - 2000
7. The Usual Suspects - 1995
8. Play Misty with me - 1971
9. Straw Dogs - 1971
10. Les Diaboliques - 1971
To check this list I also went on other websites to see if other lists differ or are similar. Overall, the lists are similar, however, some lists say Memento is better than Silence of the Lamb but the rest of the lists are near enough the same. Throughout all the lists I found, Psycho wasn't on any. This surprised me as I thought it would be near the top. This is because its an old film but its a classic and still complex.

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