Monday 4 January 2010

THRILLER ANALYSIS - Pulp Fiction (1994) - Quentin Tarantino - Crime Thriller

1. What is revealed to the audience?
A black screen with the definition of 'pulp' is shown - it seems to have two, very seperate meanings. an american woman and british man are then shown sitting at a booth in a diner, smoking and drinking coffee, the man discusses how he will "never do it again" - it then becomes clear they are talking about robbing banks etc. and how it would be much easier then what they are doing now. The decide to rob the diner; as it becomes clear they are a couple. The woman seems calm to begin with, until she pulls out a gun - creating a different persona; beginning to swear and scream. The frame showing the couple holding guns is then frozen, music then enters along with a black screen with titles appearing slowly.

2. What is conventional?
- The opening raises a lot more questions than it answers; the audience is unsure if they are main characters, but they seem (to begin with) fairly essential to the plot so far - as well as it beginning half way through a conversation.
- During the dialogue there are conventional over-the-shoulder shots or mid shots of individuals within the conversation
- The lighting is fairly dim - showing an ordinary setting.
- The violent nature at the end of the opening sequence.

3. What is unconventional?
- The definition of 'pulp' before the title of the movie.
- The viewer feels involved with the characters - the 'hipness'
- Forshadowing seemingly pointless things to the plot.

4. How has it inspired me?
I liked the false sense of ease you are put into throughout the opening, a seemingly typical setting, and calm atmosphere surrounding an odd conversation, resulting in violence.

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