Thursday 14 January 2010

Questionnaire response 1

Today in the Media lesson, we split up into 2's and went round the school to try and get people to answer our questionnaire. This are the results that me and Jade found out when we asked 15 people.
1. How are are you?
2. Are you male or female?
male = 9
female = 6
3. When you hear the word 'thriller', what do you think?
-a lot of blood, screaming
-fast paced
-a villain, blood, killing
-crime, definite protagonist, morally grey
-jumpy, good
-exciting, jumpy, scary, surprising
-bomb, action
- blood
-adrenaline, rushing, tension, action, fast paced
4. What sub genre is most appealing to you?
Political = 1
Psychological = 6
Fantasy = 0
Action = 2
Comedy = 4
Crime = 2
5. When watching a film, do you prefer a simple plot or a more complex one that requires you to think?
Simple = 5
Complex = 10
6. Do you prefer a narrative that plunges you straight into the action or a slow start?
Slow start = 7
Straight into the action = 8
7. Do you prefer to see a male or female protagonist?
Male = 6
Female = 9

Even though the people we found aren't our target audience, we still felt we had to ask them. This is because it we still give us information about what we should include.

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