Wednesday 25 November 2009

Self-evaluation: Gemma!!!

Before starting our new course at AS level, I thought I knew quite a lot from our 2 year course at GCSE but I found out I didn't know as much as I thought. Also, there are things I knew/heard of but now have learnt in more detail and have now managed to put it to use.

I already knew most of the camera angles as we had to use them in our GCSE film. Also, I knew about editing to, as we, in year 10, had to do a practise film and we learnt all about editing then and found out what type of editing suits which genre best. For example, a horror genre, only straight cuts should be used as it gives it a more realistic feel to it. That is why, apart from the beginning and the end, we only used straight cuts because we wanted our teen drama extra to seem as real as possible. In year 10 and 11 we all learnt how to work in a group as we had to for our GCSE. However, in year 12 we all now had learnt more skills, everyone had more ideas that they wanted to include. Therefore, i feel I have learnt to work better in a group as I have learnt to trust their ideas more and believe in them more. Before starting our preliminary task, I knew about the 180 degree rule, however, now I have learnt about it in more detail and feel comfortable about knowing how to use it. In hear 11 we knew that our film had to flow which is continuity editing, and now know how to sort it out. Also, I can now identify when there is a jump between shots, no matter how small the jump is. This year, garage band was knew to all of us, which meant that we all had trouble with it. However, after looking around on it and fiddling around with it and just putting a few sounds together, you begin to learn how it works. I feel I still have some learning to do on garage band, but feel a lot more comfortable with and feel I could use it for our really coursework. And, also, finish learning the skills I feel I am missing during our real piece of coursework. Before year 12, I didn't know what match on action was but now, after using it in our preliminary tasks a couple of times, I feel I could use it again with no problems attached. Also, before our preliminary task, I had no idea how to set up and use a blog Becca's I have never had the need to use one before.but I got taught how to set one up and how to use it. Now it is just second nature and I feel I have been doing it for ages where in actual fact, I have only been doing it for less than a month. However, for our real course work, I feel I need to blog more often as I haven't been doing so since we began our blog.

To sum up, I believe I knew quite a lot from our GCSE years but have learnt so much more in such a short amount of time. All the skills I have learnt, I will take with me to our coursework later this year.

My favourite part of our film is the shot were the can's roll across the floor. I like this shot because it gives some more variety to the film and not just black/white or boring. I also really like the point of view shot where Rachel is trying to open the door. I like this shot because the adjusted colour makes it different and original from other shots and I feel the music goes well too. The music goes well because the music gives the shot a edgy kind of feel to the scene and that is the feel we went for. However, the part I feel most pleased with, is right at the beginning. The music starts with the shakers and then the music starts. The end of the first few beats tie is nicely with Rachel falling over. The last note ends and then Rachel falls over, then when she is on the fall, the beats start again. In the film, I am not total happy with the dialogue part. I don't no what it is, every other time I watch it, it just doesn't flow as well as I would have hoped but am not quite sure what it is. I am very pleased with what we all have achieved in such a short amount. Everyday, we get stressed at about how big a jump it is between GCSE work and A-level work. This preliminary task was used to make that jump smaller. I hope, by watching this film, it can show how much we have learnt and to help us with our film next year.

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