Tuesday 18 January 2011

A little update for Jade

Unfortunately Jade has been very ill recently so as we all no she is very organised, I thought I would quickly update her with what has happened in her absence.

On Monday we went through and tried to put all the random shots to the beat and change a few things to make some shots seem less random. I also informed them about the clock shot in black and white that you weren't to keen on and we changed the after shot. However, this isn't final and we said that if you don't still like it then we will change it. I hope this is OK. Also, I did an audience research that we planned to do on Monday without you and I will be posting the results later tonight.

Today, we took notice of the feedback given and we changed some of the shots. We started putting tint over the seasons to make them more clear.

When you are feeling better, we would love to hear your comments of what we have changed and then we will talk about anything you dint like and hopefully figure something out so we are all happy with it.

Get well soon Jade :)

1 comment:

  1. Thankyou for the update Gemma, so glad to hear things are progressing really well :) I'll be back on form in no time! xx
