Thursday 18 November 2010

Previous Student Example Analysis - 'Triple Trouble'

My first analysis of previous student example is called Triple Trouble.

What do I like?
- This music video is quite fast pace and the editing matches this.
- I like this video because it is interesting and keeps the attention of the audience and it also isn't over complicated.
- This video has a sense of humour involved which matches the music. For example, contrasting the colours and the set of the shopping trolley.
- The camerawork is very steady which makes it easier for the audience to watch it.
- Apart from some of the special effects, the storyline of this video is very simple which makes it easier for the audience.
- Although, personal i am not keen on this type of music, I believe they used the conventions of this type of music well.

What I don't like?
- I don't like the idea that there is no narrative and they are just mainly singing to the camera with pretty much nothing else going on.
- I don't like the idea of the skipping in and out being black and white and then colour, as i believe there was too much of each colour and would have looked better if they only used small samples of the black and white theme and then used large samples of the colour theme.

What I would like to avoid?
- I would like to avoid the idea of just mainly singing to the camera
- I would to avoid there not being a narrative

What I can use in our music video?
- We can use the idea of using contrasting colours
- We can use the idea of using just steady camera and not moving it

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